Thumamah Ibn Uthal

Thumamah Ibn Uthal

Thumamah ibn Uthal was the head of the powerful Banu Hanifah tribe, and one of the rulers of al- Yamamah tribe who were very powerful to the extent that no one could ever dare to challenge or disobey them.

During the sixth year of Hijra Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) decided to take a further step in expanding the truth and light of Islam. So he sent eight letters to various rulers throughout the Arabian Peninsula inviting them to Islam. One of the rulers who received an invitation from Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was Thumamah ibn Utha, who had not emraced Islam yet.

After Thumamah received the Prophet's letter, he became very angry and refused completely to listen to the invitation of truth and goodness.

He also vowed to kill Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). Not only that but later through this rage Thumamah killed a number of the Prophet’s companions. When Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) heard of this he announced that Thumamah could be killed lawfully for his actions.

Shortly after these events Thumamah took the decision to make Umrah to Makkah and make a sacrifice to the idols there.

But on his way to Makkah he was held captive by a group of Muslims who did not know who he was and brought him to Madinah. They tied him near the mosque and waited for Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) to question him and decide what should be done with him.

When Prophet Mohamed saw Thumamah he asked his companions:

"Do you know whom you have taken?"

"No, messenger of God," they replied.

"This is Thumamah ibn Uthal,” he said. "You have done well in capturing him."

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) then decided to treat him with generosity and to provide him with all the food he needs rather than treating him harshly as he deserved.

After he ate, Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) went to him with the hope of being able to convince him to embrace Islam.

"What do you have to say for yourself?” Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) asked.

"If you want to kill in reprisal," Thumamah replied, "you can have someone of noble blood to kill. If, out of your bounty, you want to forgive, I shall be grateful. If you want money in compensation, I shall give you whatever amount you ask."

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) set him free after trying so many times to convince him to embrace Islam.

Thumamah left the mosque of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) and took off until he came to a palm grove on the borders of Madinah near al-Baqi'. He watered his camel and washed himself well and then went back to the Prophet's mosque. There, he stood before a crowd of Muslims and said:

"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger." He then went to the Prophet (PBUH), and said:

"O Mohamed, by God, there was never on this earth a face more detestable than yours. Now, yours is the dearest face of all to me."

"I have killed some of your men," he continued, "I am at your mercy. What will you have done to me?"

"There is now no blame on you, Thumamah," replied the Prophet. "Becoming a Muslim obliterates past actions and marks a new beginning."

On hearing that Thumamah felt a great relief and vowed: "By God, I shall place my whole self, my sword, and whoever is with me at your service and at the service of your religion."

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) then advised him to make the Umrah as he intended , but in accordance to the Islamic rules.

Thumamah then set off to Makkah to perform the umrah and as soon as he reached the valley of Makkah, he began shouting in a loud, resonant voice: "Labbayk Allakumma labbayk. Labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Innal hamda wa-n ni'mata laka wa-l mulk Laa shareeka lak.”

By doing this he became the first Muslim to enter Makkah reciting the talbiyah.

When The Quraysh heard the sound of the talbiyah they became very angry and was about to kill Thumamah. But on realizing who he was they went to him and said: "What's wrong with you, Thumamah? Have you given in and abandoned your religion and the religion of your forefathers?"

"I have not given in," he replied, "but I have decided to follow the best religion. I follow the religion of Mohamed."

He then went on: "I swear to you by the Lord of this House that after my return to al-Yamamah, no grain of wheat or any of its produce shall reach you until you follow Mohamed."

Thumamah returned to his people and ordered them to prevent the supplies from going to Quraysh. Very soon the boycott began to have an effect and became more and more stringent. Prices began to rise. Hunger began to bite and there was even fear of death among the Quraysh.

This lasted until Quraysh tribe sent to the Prophet, saying: "Our agreement with you (the treaty of Hudaybiyyah) is that you should maintain the bonds of kinship but you have gone against that. You have cut the bonds of kinship. You have killed and caused death through hunger. Thumamah ibn Uthal has cut our supplies and inflicted harm on us. Perhaps you would see fit to instruct him to resume sending us what we need."

Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) at once sent a letter to Thumamah ordering him to lift the boycott and resume supplies to the Quraysh, and Thumamah obeyed him immediately.

Thumamah advocated the rest of his life to the service and worshiping of God.

When Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) died, many Arabs abandoned Islam. Musaylamah, the imposter, began calling the Banu Hanifah to believe in him as a Prophet.

Thumamah confronted him and said to his people: "O Banu Hanifah, beware of this grievous matter. There is no light or guidance in it. By God, it will only bring distress and suffering to whoever joins this movement and misfortune even to those who do not join.

"O Banu Hanifah, two prophets do not come at the same time and there shall be no Prophet after Mohamed and no Prophet to share in his mission."

He then gathered together all those who had remained in Islam and began to wage a jihad against the apostates and to make the words of God supreme.

The loyal Muslims of Banu Hanifah needed additional help to stand against the armies of Musaylamah. Their arduous task was completed by the forces dispatched by Abu Bakr but at the cost of many a Muslim life.

Thumamah ibn Uthal proved during his life as a Muslim to have a great impact upon the establishment and spread of Islam in his region. The worth of a sincere influential leader of his community cannot be underestimated.

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